Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring

Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring
Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring
Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring
Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring

Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring

READY TO SEASON, SITS FLAT. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring.

Griswold Cast Iron No. 108 Skillet Griddle slant Large Logo 201 With Heat ring